Co-Founder of BSRP, M.S., author of Influence of fear on the behavior of people at work
Dudley is the director of BSRP’s Scientific Advisory Board and Co-founder of BSRP.
He holds both bachelor’s and master’s degrees in research psychology. His work is extensively published in the popular and trade press. Each year, Dudley has the opportunity to present his work in a variety of capacities, including large group, radio, and television.
His pioneering research on the influence of fear on the performance of people at work, especially sales professionals, is recognized internationally. Many of the psychological constructs he discovered, such as “Recruitment Reluctance,” the 16 types of “Sales Call Reluctance®,” and “Hyper Professionalism” have become part of the standard lexicon of growth-oriented organizations.
Dudley and Co-author, Shannon L. Goodson, have written several psychological tests, including the Sales Preference Questionnaire™(SPQ*Gold/FSA™), Recruiting Preferences Measure™, Career Styles Inventory™, Selling Styles Profile Analysis™, and Meeting People Questionnaire™. Dudley’s research papers—many based on large, international samples—span a variety of topics, including: the relative tendency of salespeople in different countries to exaggerate their answers when completing psychological tests, differences in motivation to sell by country, how sales Call Reluctance® differs from social phobia, low self-esteem, anxiety and other more generic diagnoses, and which selling styles tend to be most susceptible to Sales Call Reluctance®.
His biography is included in honorary publications, such as Who’s Who in Science and Engineering and Who’s Who in America.